
Create a new account

Account Information * Presenter/Author accounts will also automatically have access to a CE Buyer account. This means you do not have to open two different accounts. One account allows you to offer CE courses and to buy CE courses.
Click here if you are interested in offering Licensing Board Approved live webinars or recorded webinars. If you open this type of account, you will also be able to buy CE courses.

Click here if you are interested in offering Licensing Board Approved home study CE courses. Home study CE courses are courses that consists of reading materials. If you open this type of account, you will also be able to buy CE courses.

Click here if you are only interested in buying Licensing Board Approved CE courses. You can buy live webinars, recorded webinars, or home study CE courses. Live webinars allow you to interact with the presenter. Video recorded webinars allow you to watch a video only. Home study CE courses are courses that consist of reading materials.

Password must meet the following requirements:

  • At least one lowercase.
  • At least one uppercase.
  • At least one number.
  • At least one special character.
  • Be at least 8 characters.